Concept of the online-marketplace

All projects offered on AgoraNatura are quantified regarding their effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services. This scientifically sound quantification of project effects shall make the projects more verifiable, transparent and to some extent comparable.

All projects that seek funding through AgoraNatura have to fulfil the criteria of the NaturPlus-Standard. This publically available standard defines project development requirements as well as methods and rules for monitoring, reporting and verification of project effects. The NaturPlus-Standard is being developed by AgoraNatura research institutions and in partnership with EUROPARC Germany.

AgoraNatura is open to all nature conservation investors and project developers. The financing as well as implementation of nature conservation projects is done on a voluntary basis.

Fläche mit Ökosystemleistungen

In return for their financial contribution companies and private individuals receive conservation credits that provide information about the project effects. The credits describe, for instance, positive effects on plant and animal species, the avoided emissions of greenhouse gases or the reduction of nitrogen input in ground water and surface water. All credits are specific to a certain location and have a spatial (100 m²) and temporal (1 year) validity.

Projects either strive to improve the state of biodiversity and ecosystem services or preserve already valuable sites. Project effects are always quantified in relation to a baseline scenario. This baseline scenario describes the situation if no conservation project was implemented. The NaturPlus– Standard defines the baseline as the most realistic land use alternative.